Goals In Runescape for 2009

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Today was a day that focused mainly on fishing. I was interrupted, at one point, by my friend saying that he was about to get 70 magic. I gasped, realizing this was the friend whom I had promised to beat to 70 magic! I banked my harpoon, teleported to Varrock, and bought 300 nature runes. I then proceeded to high alch Tuna (not profitable) and managed to beat him to level 70 with 25k experience to spare.

I fished swordfish and tuna at first, gaining levels until 60.

Me fishing and cooking until level 60 in both

At that point, I began fishing for lobsters, getting two inventories then being fed up. I went, cooked the fish I caught at that point, and left fishing to keep my friend company while he gained EP in PvP world 86. We sat there for a few minutes, and soon enough, 2 ancient mages/dragon dagger/AGS wielding pkers discovered our secret location, attacking my friend (I was too low a level! Ha!). I ran to the bank, helpless against these deviants, while they attempted to massacre him. On Clan chat, I repeatedly called him, but to no avail. My fears of his death were nearly certain, until he dashed into the bank! Those fiends had taken out their god sword, and hit him, without prayer or armor, for a six on the special attack! He was saved by sheer luck! Alas, there is a Guthix!
Anywho, after this, I decided to see how evil runescape players are. I clad myself in a rune platebody, rune legs, and a dragon 2h, and decided to see if I could run from Ardougne until Falador. I rested in the Ardougne north bank, and dashed out. I made it past the gates without incident and arrived in Camelot bank. I rested there, and nearly saved my own life. As I ran out, I noticed, looking on the mini map, someone was running after me! I forgot to click ahead, and was hit once by their crossbow. I ran, and ran, and noticed they had run out of energy before me! Thank you, Jagex, for making 58 agility useful! Anywho, I made it to Falador, holed up in the bar next door, gained no EP due to my lack of carrying 76K+, and left. I am going to go fish some more now. Until next time!

P.S. My friend's 99 firemaking party is STILL ON. Be at my house, in Yanille, on world 99, at 5:00 PM Central on Thursday, June 18th.

GE News:
Verac Armor Sets are rising. This means buy. I shall notify when they drop.
Abyssal Whip is now 1.9M

What I achieved today: 60 fishing, 60 cooking, 70 magic, absolutely no EP.


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