Goals In Runescape for 2009

Draynor.net Stat Signature <foo
Monday, June 15, 2009

Today in the early hours of the morning, after all of my tablets sold, I decided to buy myself a whip. This whip I bought at 1.617M. I decided after about an hour of use it would be nice to actually have some money in the bank just in case I needed other things, so I sold the whip back. I also test drove a Dharok Great Axe, which I'll discuss in my "Weapon Test" section, bought a Ring of Stone to amuse myself, and tried to buy Dharok's platebody and legs. I say "tried" because I failed dramatically.
Afterwards, I decided to go to the Tzhaar city area (which is, by the way, a great place to train). I had the good fortune of having one of the lvl.149 monsters drop me an Obsidian Maul (134K). After this, I decided to return the Great Axe and sell off the Ring of Stone, as well as cancel my orders on the platebody and legs.
Today I woke up at around 12:00 and went to the marketplace to find that the whip has risen to a dramatic 1.643M!!! This means that it will surpass my prediction. Sell at 1.660, which should be tomorrow's price. After this, it will be very, very, VERY hard to sell, until its price drops.
Anyways, I went on to complete 1k more tablets. I bought myself another whip and went off to Pest Control. I trained there for a while, and borrowed a Saradomin Sword (the fastest 2-handed sword in the game with an incredible special).

Here's a nice shot of me wielding it
After a few rounds of Pest Control, I decided to try my cards at Slayer. I dug my Enchanted Gem out of the bank and found that my current assignment contained the massacre of 74 Ice Giants. Always the humanitarian, I set aside my whip in preference of the newly acquired Saradomin Sword to give them all swift deaths. I landed a number of shots in the 20's, and got to show off the special to other players. I gained 2 slayer levels and befriended a person there, who actually got in the way of one of my screenshots of a special attack.

My new friend in the way of my 34 hit with the special (Potential of up to 45 on my part)
During the Ice Giant battles, I picked up a total of 40 gold charms (great place to gather them and/or train) while my friend picked up 68. We decided to go to train summoning together. I ran off to Vannaka, my slayer master as he went to get some more shards. We met up in Tavelrey, and I gained 3 slayer levels and finally hit combat level 90. I'm planning on selling my whip, picking up a dragon woodcutting axe, and hitting the yew trees until I make a few more hundred thousand gp.

Weapon Test Drives:
Dharok's Great Axe: This was really fun to test. I've used one plenty of times before, but this time I did it for the purposes of the blog. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures. I hit pretty high, but not very often. If you are planning on using this correctly, either have the full set or 80+ attack. Some of you may be wondering how I "borrowed" it. It's simple, really. Buy one, use it, repair it (cost me 3800 from 98%, less on a POH armor stand) and sell it back. It's not easy to buy nor sell, but the order comes through for a buy in around 5-10 minutes, and it's best to sleep on the sale.
Saradomin Sword: I really had fun with this weapon. I borrowed it for 8 hours from someone who was willing to part with it for 39K (thank you!). All around, I prefer it over all weapons I've used so far. It hits accurate and hard. Its special consists of a double hit: A standard melee and a magic attack that hits up to 18 (regardless of level), and takes a full charge bar.

Action poses with the sword

GE Prices that make me happy:

Law runes: -3 gp
Abyssal Whip: +32k (careful investing in this one, risky)

Gained today: 500k, 22 summoning, 40 slayer, and 90 combat


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